Taking breaks during assessments

Throughout your TestGorilla assessment, you may need to take a break. A break is a good way to help you focus and reduce stress, allowing you to return to the assessment when ready to continue. You can take a break at the end of any individual test in your assessment and return to it using your invitation link.


How do I take a break?

You can only take a break between tests when prompted to do so. If you take a break, you can close the window. If you close the test window in the middle of a test, the timer will continue to count down.

When you’re ready to start again, do so by following the link found in your invitation.


If you choose to Submit and pause, you can return to the assessment later by using the link in the invitation email you have received. 



How long can I take a break?

You can take a break for as long as you like, and return to the assessment whenever you are ready to continue. We recommend you complete the assessment at your earliest convenience. Please note, that some assessments have a deadline after which you cannot complete the assessment. Candidates who are in progress when the deadline ends can still finish. If your assessment has a deadline, that information will be included in your invitation email. 

We automatically send a reminder — which includes your assessment link — if there has been no activity on the assessment for 48 hours.

Your reminder comes as an email from TestGorilla with the subject line Important: your assessment is waiting.


How do I resume my assessment?

To resume your assessment, simply use the link in your invitation or reminder email. You will be able to pick up right where you left off. 


Can I resume after a deadline?

Unfortunately no. If you are taking a break and an assessment deadline elapses, you will be unable to resume. Candidates who are in progress when the deadline ends can still finish.

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