Accessibility and accommodations for assessments

Candidates need to self-identify their need for an accommodation to TestGorilla. You can make this request during the assessment setup. Your request is never shared with your potential employer unless you choose otherwise.

Requests are usually handled by granting extra time on the assessment. All legitimate requests are granted. 


Request during assessment setup

During the assessment setup, you’re asked about your fluency with the language the assessment is in. If you’re not fluent, you’ll be granted 20% more time. 

You’re also asked if you have a condition that affects memory or concentration (such as ADHD, dyslexia, or autism). If you say yes, you’re granted 50% more time to complete the assessment. If you don’t feel you need accommodations, answer no.


Other accommodations

Candidates who require accommodations or adaptations beyond extra time should contact their potential employer. TestGorilla will work with companies on further adaptations to assessments. 

If you have questions about TestGorilla’s accommodation process, contact 


Privacy of accommodation requests

TestGorilla does not automatically share information about accommodation requests or requirements with potential employers. Potential employers do not see that you had extra time on your assessment.

You may choose to inform your potential employer during the request process, but it’s voluntary. If you choose to share this information, the employer sees you received extra time due to a disability or language fluency.



TestGorilla strives for a minimum Level A compliance per the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

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